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District 6900 News for June, 2021

From Our District Governor

Enjoying the Fellowship of Rotary

By Kirk Driskell

Did you know that June is designated as Rotary Fellowship Month. I know that many of you are like me and have missed a lot of fellowship opportunities over the past year. The picture here was taken recently as the Rotary Club of Roswell was getting ready to celebrate its 70th anniversary - and I was able to enjoy an evening with Past RI Vice President Anne Matthews and Roswell Rotarians.

As we look towards the end of this Rotary year, I am excited to be able to gather with you in Sandestin in August. If you were not able to secure one of the tickets for dinner Saturday night do not worry. You are still invited and we want you to come an join in all the weekend fun. Be on the look out for an email with more information and - we hope - the ability to be able to open up more tickets for Saturday night dinner. Go ahead a reserve a room so you can come an enjoy all the fellowship. [more]

In Memoriam

Remembering Past District Governor Bill Mulkey

By Jackie Cuthbert

It is with sadness that we share with all of you the passing of our dearest friend, PDG Bill Mulkey, after a long illness. Bill was a Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Dunwoody, and has served the District in many roles since his year as District Governor. He leaves a legacy of leadership that will long serve to inspire us all.

We will … [more]

RI Convention 2021

Rotary Opens Opportunities - Still Time to Register for 2021 Virtual Convention

By Mary Ligon

Registration continues for  the 2021 Virtual Convention: Rotary Opens Opportunities which will take place from 12 through 16 June 2021. ! Don’t miss your chance to connect with Rotary members from around the world.

Unless you registered before May 7, the registration fee is $65.

You can also join us early at a preconvention … [more]

Club News

Commemorating 100 Years of Service Above Self in Thomasville

By Mike Bixler

The Rotary Club of Thomasville was officially launched in the first week of May 1921. Exactly 100 years later, 82 members of the club gathered to commemorate the occasion; by far the club’s largest turnout since the start of the pandemic. Among those who participated in the club’s birthday celebration were two very special members: … [more]

GRSP Update

Columbus Speakers Transcend Time and Travel Limitations

By Ian Bond

Transcending time zones and travel limitations, the Rotary Club of Columbus’s May 12 meeting featured several special guests, including DGE Mary Ligon, our GRSP Trustee Ken Townsend. For our program we welcomed back three of our club’s GRSP alumni via Zoom: Zsanett Havasi from Hungary (2007-2008), Catriona Patterson from Scotland (2009-2010), and Anna Skoglund from Sweden (2011-2012). Each shared an update about their lives after their time as GRSP students at Columbus State University.

Rotary Works Series

Networking Ahead for Career Success

By Claudia Mertl

Everyone knows that networking is essential part of the job search process. In fact, studies continue to confirm that the lion share of professional positions and jobs are secured through networking, not job boards. But during the pandemic, job seekers have been limited in their ability to do in-person networking and interviewing. We’ve all had to learn new skills and to get more comfortable with virtual networking and interviewing. How can you leverage these new abilities in order to stand out and secure new work opportunities? In this special session of RotaryWorks you will hear tips and insights from two experts including a professional recruiter who interviews and hires people for a living, and an author and motivator who literally wrote the book on networking.

Join the session by Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83951672511?pwd=UUJUYzNOYSt3WllRRExPelVYbW5IUT09

Our Rotary Foundation at Work

Roswell Partners to Build Wells in Panama

By Trummie Patrick

While investment has been made by the government to construct potable water systems in the indigenous communities of Panamá Este and Darién over the last 30 years, most communities persist without functional systems to provide the quantity and quality of water required for their basic needs. The result is a tremendous burden on the economy, health, and development potential.

The Rotary Club of Roswell is partnering with the Panama Nordeste Rotary Club, and the Alpharetta, Milton and Griffin Rotary Clubs on a TRF Global Grant to help fix that, The club joined indigenous community leadership to construct water and sanitation infrastructure in two communities for an approximated cost of $64,162 - achieving cost-effective, sustainable WASH development in the region.

Sheffield Gala

Americus Honors 2019-20 Sheffield Award Winners

By Angela Smith

A large group of Rotarians from District 6900, including District leadership and Sheffield Leadership Award winners, gathered in downtown Americus, Georgia, to fellowship face-to-face and celebrate the six past presidents that made up the newest class of Sheffield winners.

It was a lovely evening to be back together in person to honor deserving Rotary presidents who served from 2019-20, As pictured:

  • Gordon Owens (Roswell)
  • Joy Manbeck (North Fulton)
  • Ryan Swertfager (Carrollton Dawnbreakers)
  • Kim Walden (Thomasville)
  • Rene Smith (Americus)
  • David Schwickerath (North Cobb)
  • [more]

Laws of Life

Georgia Laws of Life Essay Contest Announces Teachers of Distinction

By Carol Gray Walker

The Georgia Rotary Clubs Laws of Life Essay Contest today recognized the Teacher of Distinction for the 2020-2021 contest. A total of 26 teachers received the honor in Georgia Rotary District 6900. They received an honorarium of $100 for their efforts. More than 25,000 high school students across Georgia shared their personal values in their Law … [more]

Join the Largest Rotary Meeting Ever ... July 21

By Claudia Mertl

Past Rotary International Director Stephanie Urchick is conducting the first ever "Largest Rotary Meeting Ever" event at 1 pm on July 21, and you're invited to be one of the 1000 people attending!  Stephanie will be speaking at the meeting on the topic, "Rotary Responds: Surviving and Thriving During the Pandemic and Beyond”

… [more]

Club News

Americus Recognizes Top Public Servants

By Angela Smith

It was a privilege for the Rotary Club of Americus to recognize four incredible servant leaders and award them the Rotary International "Service Above Self" National Medal of Honor. The club held a luncheon at Georgia Southwestern State University in the Private Dining Room of the Thomas O. Marshall Student Center on May 18 to honor the four … [more]

Club News

Clubs Join Together to Distribute USDA Food Boxes

By John Neill

May 20 offers a great example of Rotarians from multiple clubs working together to "make good things happen in our communities."  Many thanks to all the volunteers from the Rotary Clubs of Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Roswell and Alpharetta for making this a successful joint service project.

We had 20 Rotarians plus six volunteers … [more]

Club News

Midtown Atlanta Rotary Takes Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to Heart

By James Yost

Just over one year ago, the Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club (MARC) began a “self-reflection” study to take the pulse of the Club in hopes of gaining insight into how we might collectively determine our strategic direction. Through an initial survey of members, it was determined that, among other attributes, MARC’s diversity was highly appreciated. Shortly after the survey, George Floyd was killed, and our leadership asked the Self-Reflection Team to take DEI into consideration and recommend a course of action for MARC. This work was documented in the MARC Response on Bias and Racial Injustice, which included the establishment of a new MARC Board seat for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I). The recommendation was adopted, and the MARC DE&I Team was born. President Rocky Ford and the Board created two new Board positions to ensure a permanent focus on DE&I.

Serving During the Pandemic

Dunwoody Supports ROTEX India Drive to Buy Oxygen Concentrators

By Mike Parks

When ROTEX 3054 (Rotary Alumni of RYE Students) in India started a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for Oxygen concentrators, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody was quick to respond. Between funds from the Dunwoody Rotary Charitable Fund and contributions from club members, we were able to wire $2,000 almost overnight.

Thanks to contributions … [more]

From Our District Chaplain

A Closing Thought ...

By Gregory Adams

The sun gives light during the day, the moon gives light in the darkness of night and the stars twinkle in the sky above. This is what Rotarians do for individuals that need a burst of sunlight when darkness is all around them. We become the sun and the moon and our service to others, puts a twinkle, in their eyes, like the stars in the sky. Thank … [more]

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 Deadline: Club Goals in RCC and Strategic Plan in Rotary6900.org
Tuesday, June 15th, 2021Dunwoody Rotary Means Business Fellowship