Family of Rotary Event
Are You Ready for the Kentucky Derby? Mark Your Calendars ...

Atlanta Motor Speedway - May 4, 2019

The Rotary Club of Lake Spivey/Clayton County is having a fundraiser May 4, 2019 - a Kentucky Derby Gala at the Altanta Motor Speedway - and District Governor Court has endorsed the Gala as a District Family of Rotary Event!

Tickets will include hors-d'oeuvres, one mint julep, one horse betting ticket and admission to the Club One Tower at the Atlanta Motor Speedway and they are only $100 each! The festivities will begin at 4:00 pm. We will have a huge silent auction event, grand prizes for the winners of the Derby races, an opportunity to run your car around the race track for $30 each car, a cash bar, and fantastic fellowship!

There will be a "Ladies Derby hat" contest and a "Dapper Dan" contest for the men. Great prizes will be awarded!

Would you consider having this as a Club Family of Rotary event for your Club? Just let me know and I will make special arrangements for you.

We will have a great time at the internationally famous Atlanta Motor Speedway!

Posted by Claudia Mertl
November 6, 2018


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