From Our District Governor
Just a Little Bit More ...

Jim and DG Mary Ligon with daughter Anna and her husband, Graham Ford. Anna is President of the Rotary Club of Moultrie

Jim and DG Mary Ligon with daughter Anna and her husband, Graham Ford. Anna is President of the Rotary Club of Moultrie

Yes it’s true – we’re about to wind down an amazing year of devoting our best efforts to Serve to Change Lives – and enter a world where we continue to Imagine Rotary and all we can do to make a difference.

Thanks so much for everything we’ve achieved – from the phenomenal giving of money and time for the people of Ukraine and their neighbors providing relief … to inspiring youth to take on initiatives through Youth & Peace in Action like the one in Americus focused on more opportunity for college and learning to the young people in the rural parts of our state. You can read about Ukraine and Americus later in the newsletter. And you’ve done so much more– including our global projects and the district grants that made a difference in each of your communities.

With just a few weeks left in this Rotary Year, I ask for your help in two areas: Rotary Foundation giving and Membership.

Our Rotary Foundation giving appears to be down this year – by nearly $200,000. I am hoping we have clubs or individuals who just haven’t sent their contribution in yet, and hope you will before the end of June. Remember that it’s our Annual Fund giving in a Rotary year that determines what we will have in Rotary Foundation funds three years from now to fund global grants and district grants, so help us if you can. There’s still time for clubs to achieve EREY and Sustaining status this Rotary Year.

You’ll read later in this newsletter that we have welcomed 503 new Rotarians so far this year – thank you. If you follow the link toour membership statistics, however, you’ll see we’re up just 73 members net, so there’s still work to do to be sure we keep our members engaged and part of Rotary I hope you’ll make membership a focus of your efforts not just for the next few weeks but well into the future.

Finally, I’d like to ask you to save August 20 for District 6900’s Year End Celebration at Atlanta Motor Speedway. We promise fun and recognition for all you’ve done this year! Watch for details.

Thanks again for all you do!

Posted by Mary Ligon
June 2, 2022


This Year’s Posts: