Club News
Roswell's Focus on Membership Paying Dividends

Roswell Rotary President Terry Taylor, “The Roswell Rotary Club is proud of all our new 2021 members! Coming off the COVID restrictions where we lost so many members for so many reasons, Roswell took a proactive approach to recruiting and marketing. We asked former members if they were ready to return and we invited new ones personally and through general solicitations in our social media posts and at local festivals and other events. Furthermore, we added three new levels of membership.”

As a result and in part to adding three new membership levels, Roswell Rotary has new members lined up to join in the fun and give back to our community. RRC Membership Chair Trummie Lee Patrick III is processing applications as fast as our by-laws allow. Patrick states “To date we have inducted 10 new members with more coming!”

The three new added Roswell Rotary membership levels are:

  • Young Professionals (<35 years of age) play an integral role for sustained growth at Roswell Rotary and have the same invested personality for Service above Self. However, they may not have the financial resources to pay full membership dues or have the professional flexibility to attend weekly meetings just yet. Therefore, the annual dues at this new membership level have been reduced to accommodate these young professionals.
  • Corporate Memberships have long been discussed but kept at bay to abide by the RI rules for only individuals. Our “Corporate” membership is now offered to individuals of an organization which includes a Primary Member and an Alternate Member. Both members can attend our events and meeting however only the primary member is listed in the RI roster with full voting rights. Their premium annual dues include an ad in our membership directory and bronze sponsorship benefits at the annual golf/tennis tournament.
  • Non-Profits and Accredited Schools have attended and been active with Roswell Rotary for decades. However, due to conflicts in schedules the leadership of our local Non-Profits and North Fulton schools have often been unable to attend our Thursday meetings. This new membership level includes a Primary Member and an Alternate Member for flexibility should one member be unable to attend our meetings or events.

The club is excited about the energy surrounding its membership drive and looks forward to inducting many new energetic members to help give back to our community.

Posted by Becky Nelson
December 4, 2021


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