Club News
New Moultrie Projects Focus on Kids

The Rotary Club of Moultrie participated in two new service projects recently: “Story Walk” and “Kicks for Kids.” The club sponsored two different books – “Buckets, Dippers, and Lids” and “The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet” for a literacy event held on the second Saturday of each month in downtown Moultrie. The club purchased over 100 books for the event and members gathered after a club meeting to attach Rotary stickers inside the cover of each book. The “Story Walk” activity itself allows children to explore the book (while on the courthouse square downtown) and at the end of the day they get to take home their very own copy of the book.

“Kicks for Kids” was a partnership with the Moultrie Junior Woman’s Club to provide a new pair of shoes to our local elementary school students. The shoes were purchased through a local retailer and each pair was tagged with a Rotary tag which lists the 4-Way Test on the back of the card. The club used a regular club meeting as a “working lunch” to attach the Rotary tags and divide the shoes into allotments meant for four different elementary schools in the community. Club members also delivered the shoes out the schools and made presentations to the staff.

For more information about "Story Walk," check out the document posted on the district website.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
December 4, 2021


Posted by Gillian Leggett
Rotary Club of Stone Mountain
December 5, 2021 4:00pm

Well done, Moultrie Rotary! You faced a few bumps in the road with this project due to the Covid pandemic but your members never gave up. You weren’t going to be defeated and you succeeded in your goal to provide much-needed shoes. Excellent project

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