Take the Lead to Help Grow the Family of Rotary

Take the LEAD and Run with It

Our Rotary year is off to a good start for Membership. We have new membership leads coming into the District each day from Rotary International. Many of these leads have been referred out to your clubs, and there are just as many still in the works. Please engage with them and follow up soon and often – these are Future Rotarians in the waiting. And if you have questions or problems remember that help is never more than an email or phone call away – the District  Membership team is ready to help! You can also check out Rotary’s online resources by clicking these links:

Have a Rotary Reunion

Sometimes a good place to look for new members is to engage with your former members who may still be in the area. If you club has regularly social events – like a “Thirsty Thursday” or “Wine Wednesday” – why not invite some past members to join you? It’s always a good time when Rotary members get together, and they may decide they’d like to come back to your club. Another twist on this concept is to invite your local Rotaract club to join you as well.

Celebrate Your Members - New and Long-Time

 Each of us can take the lead to welcome new members  and check-in with long-time members and friends. Do your part to help us grow active, vibrant clubs.

This month, we'd like to celebrate a few of our new members - straight from Facebook: Peachtree City – Jamey Myers Camilla – Keith Croft, Ivey Griner Jr. Bremen – Will Sammon Meriwether County – Dr. Shanna Downs. And we draw to your attention the lead picture in this article -three of Johns Creek North Fulton’s newest Rotarians - Kelley, Cecilia and Paulina – who immediately joined in a service project at North Fulton Community Center; and Cecilia accepted to lead putting together a club directory. A great example of Grow More, Do More.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
October 4, 2021


This Year’s Posts: