The Rotary Foundation
Happy Rotary New Year!

The new year has begun – congratulations on your new Rotary position! Every year is a new opportunity to be an inspiration to the world. The Rotary Foundation is your tool to create change and do good in the world. This year is no different except it is your chance. Take this opportunity to step up and make a difference!

We are introducing the Winner’s Circle this year in honor of Governor Court’s racing life. You can join him in the winner’s circle (and earn a ribbon for your club banner) by completing some challenges. First, your club must enter your goals into Rotary Club Central. As of today, only 50% of the clubs in 6900 have taken the time to do this. Make sure you are one of them! Once you have entered your goals, complete three challenges:

  • Number one – Become a 100% Paul Harris Fellow club. Even if you have accomplished this goal in the past, achieve it again. We all know you have added new members to your club who have not become Paul Harris Fellows yet. Make it a goal for your club.
  • Number two – Become a 100% Sustaining Member club. This means every member of your club gives at least $100 to The Rotary Foundation this year.
  • Number three - This challenge is multiple choice. You only have to accomplish one of the following three items: 1) Become a 100% Benefactor club. This means all of your club members leave at least $1.00 to the Foundation in their estate. Did you know that no club in our district has ever achieved this? You could be the first! OR 2) Achieve $25 giving per capita to PolioPlus this year. This means that your club’s total polio plus giving averages out to $25 per member, even if only one person gives the full amount. OR 3) Add 4% net new members in your club by June 30, 2019.

All of your district grant proposals are in and we are awaiting funding from the Foundation so you can begin working. But in the meantime, be looking for Global Grant opportunities that you can get involved in this year. These opportunities include projects in the six areas of focus as well as scholars and Peace Fellows. Remember, The Rotary Foundation belongs to you. It doesn’t work unless you do. Find those projects. Find those scholars. Support the Foundation. And inspire the world!

Posted by Margie Kersey
July 5, 2018


This Year’s Posts: