Amplifying Rotary
Trying Something New

The Rotary Club of Harris County (Pine Mountain) held one of its August meetings at a different time and different location. Our club is a breakfast club that has met every Wednesday at 7:45 AM since 1999.  On August 16, the club met for supper at a popular local restaurant. 

President Court Dowis said, “The aim is to add variety to our old meeting schedule and break the routine of ‘same time; same day.’ And to give ourselves a more relaxed atmosphere than morning’s usual ‘gotta get to work’ urgency.  It also makes it more attractive to spouses and prospective members.  We will do this again every month in 2023-24.”

The local restaurant, normally closed on Wednesdays, opened just for our club and with a unique menu created for our meeting.  The evening also featured music from a favorite Harris County duet.  So dancing automatically became part of the agenda.

Posted by Pat Keating
August 25, 2023


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