Rotary Foundation at Work
Alpharetta Rotarians At Work in Bogota, Columbia

A Rotary Club of Alpharetta team traveled to Bogota, July 20-28, to celebrate with the Rotary Club Bogota Centenario, a global grant to the MYA Foundation. The Rotary Foundation grant paid for 41 computers, desks, and seating for the MYA Foundation.

MYA is a non-profit organization created in 1965 in Colombia by Mothers and Friends of children, adolescents, youth, and adults with disabilities, special educational needs, and learning difficulties. MYA provides services with trained professionals to improve the quality of life of the population served.

The Alpharetta Team consisted of Joe Wargo, Olga Narvaez, Paul Slavik, Perian Rogers, Krystal Brown, and Michelle Coleman. The residents of the MYA home welcomed the team with handmade gifts and joyful performances of singing, dancing, and acrobatics.

While in Columbia, the team also visited two previous service projects In Medellin.  A laproscopy machine for The Noel Clinic and 150 School Children grades K-12 who are receiving Audio, Vision, and Heart Exams. The results of two different global grants combined Club Rotario Medellín El Poblado  and Club Rotario Manizales

Posted by Clark Savage
July 31, 2023


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