From Our District Governor
Celebrating the Family of Rotary ... More Important Than We Can Imagine

DG George at Johns Creek North Fulton Rotary last week

DG George at Johns Creek North Fulton Rotary last week

We have all heard about the family of Rotary. I want you to know that our District is truly a family of Rotary. Recently, as you are aware, my older sister passed unexpectedly. You may not know how much it has helped and meant receiving sympathy cards, emails, texts and words of encouragement from fellow Rotarians all across the District. My family and I thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Congratulations to DGE André Marria for being selected as one of six People of Action: Champion of Inclusion. She was selected by a committee from about 100 nominees all around Rotary International for her work in DEI both in Rotary as well as in her community. She will be travelling to South Africa in early April to receive the award from RI President Jennifer Jones. Be sure to read her bio in this newsletter.

District Conference will be at Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort and registration is open at the District website. Be sure you register this month, as District Conference registration will increase to $285 on March 1, 2023. Conference co-chairs Cheryl Greenway and Kelly Hughes have planned some fun events. For instance, on Thursday night there will be a pig roast with cornhole and tug-a-war contests. Keep in mind the theme for the conference is Green Acres, so watch those reruns of the TV show “Green Acres” and plan on having your club dress as characters from the show. We will judge which club does the best job as dressing as those characters when you walk into Friday night’s plenary session. So be sure to register and mark your calendars for April 27 to April 30 to attend.

Remember to increase your chances of winning the print “Imagine One’s Dream” from the painting by Darren Jones, brother of RI President Jennifer Jones, you will need to donate a $100 to Polio Plus. The drawing will be held at District Conference.

Be sure you are updating all your accomplishments in Rotary Club Central as well as on the District website. We are getting closer to the deadline for the awards that your club may win. Awards chair Stephanie Windham has worked hard to keep the record keeping as simple as possible. The deadline for to have all your awards in is March 15. Criteria for the Governor citation and the form to apply for it is on the District website.

Posted by George Granade
February 6, 2023


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