Here We Grow Again!

As DG George says, membership growth is everyone's responsibility ... and it benefits everyone ... new perspectives, new project ideas, new people to enjoy! Here are some pictures and ideas shared on Facebook:

  • Barnesville Rotary held a "Bring a Guest Day" in October - pictured are Jackie Bumgardner, Olivia Jefferis, David Hacker, Marie Bundy, Cindy McGee, & Brenda Brown (now a member)
  • Fayetteville added four new members in DecemberCarolyn Greene, Realtor w/Harry Norman; Michelle Bennet, Fayetteville Library Director; Jacqueline Roberts, Retired Atlante Public Schools/Instructional Liaison Specialist; and Bishop David Kimbrough, Seeds of Faith Church
  • Americus Rotary's newest member is Han Ching Wu, President, Owner and Founder of Spring Precast, LLC. Han - sponsored by Dr. Lou Riccardi
  • Buckhead Rotary gave a big shout out to one of its newest members, Shirley Anne Smith who recently joined six other Atlantans on the front cover of Simply Buckhead as a Rising Stars in the metro area. Shirley Anne is the Executive Director at the Atlanta Fire Rescue Foundation.
  • Camilla Rotary recently welcomed new member Justin Williams
Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
January 8, 2023


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