Club News
Columbus Helps Build Community Farm

The Rotary Club of Columbus recently completed service project days at the George Washington Carver Garden. Volunteers helped clear the land by cutting down trees, clearing thick briars, and clearing tall weeds. This work was to prepare the area for the construction of a greenhouse in that space. The club will return later to complete that phase of the service project and has invited members of the public and other civic organizations to collaborate for future service dates.

Past President Joe Young is leading the project for the club, and President Cedric Hill has supported every workday. Many club members joined both Friday and Saturday workdays and on November 11, many local dignitaries were invited to see progress on the site and a vision of what the site will look like in days to come. DG George Granade also visited the site, and our GRSP student has turned out to help with other international students from Columbus State. 

The George Washington Carver Garden is a new community garden initiative headed by Ronzell Buckner with Turn Around Columbus for the benefit of MCSD students. They will learn to grow their own fresh produce and how to cook it. The goals of this project are to increase access to fresh produce in South Columbus, educate local children about nutritious food choices, and increase their capacity to cook healthy food for their entire lives. Buckner will be hosting volunteers at the garden every Saturday for those interested in joining this effort.
Posted by Julie Bond
December 5, 2022


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