GRSP Update
GRSP Conclave Ushers in Class of 2022-23

by Katheryne Fields, GRSP Program Director

Imagine … the world becomes a little smaller when 44 international college students gather for one purpose~ to build peace through understanding. The Georgia Rotary Student Program ushered in the 2022-23 academic year at Conclave with students from 21 different countries, sponsored by 96 Rotary Clubs. The group made up of 17 males and 27 females sang about peace, shared skits about their homeland and learned about the expectations as a GRSP scholar in the prestigious 76-year nonprofit organization.

GRSP thanks the support of all three Georgia District Governors George Granade (Rotary District 6900), Gerry Taylor (Rotary District 6910) and Heather Kellen (Rotary District 6920) for their support along with DGN Gordon Owen (Rotary District 6900), DGE Brandy Swanson (Rotary District 6910) and DGN Todd Freesmann (Rotary District 6920). The Rotary Clubs of Forsyth, Gainesville, Hall County, Lanier-Forsyth and South Hall hosted Conclave at Lake Lanier Islands with GRSP District 6910 Director Bill St. Clair as chair.

GRSP Chair J. Michael Sweigart presented Bert Guy with a proclamation naming him chair emeritus for his significant contributions to the organization. Vice Chair Ian Bond named his successor Kerry Arnold as District 6900 Chair as Arnold was elected by his respective district trustees.

The next event on the GRSP calendar features the Maynard Knestrick Memorial Weekend hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Lake Spivey/Clayton County, Henry County, Griffin, Griffin Daybreak and Atlanta Southern Crescent at the Clayton County International Park September 9 to 11.

Posted by Katheryne Fields
September 2, 2022


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