Club News
What Midtown Atlanta Learned While Sheltering at Home

Midtown Atlanta's President Meredith Regains was recently featured in a "City Lifestyle of Atlanta" article entitled "Meet 5 Midtown Atlanta Women Who Influence Our Community. You can read the article about this Executive Director of Georgia Lawyers for the Arts by clicking the link at the end of this Midtown Atlanta story

Midtown Atlanta's President Meredith Regains was recently featured in a "City Lifestyle of Atlanta" article entitled "Meet 5 Midtown Atlanta Women Who Influence Our Community. You can read the article about this Executive Director of Georgia Lawyers for the Arts by clicking the link at the end of this Midtown Atlanta story

Editor's Note: Sounds like the title of a paper a teacher might ask a student to write on return from summer vacation. Here's Midtown Atlanta's perspective on the silver lining of our shelter at home.

Like every other club on the planet, Midtown Atlanta Rotary Club has had to make some adjustments to their meetings during the Covid crisis. ZOOM has been a resource to many, and we are no exception. Rather than wait, we started hosting our meetings on that platform in late March. The club has about 77 members and we have been averaging about 62% attendance which is about the same as we were getting at Ansley Golf Club!

Our meetings start with a prayer, and then 20-25 minutes of check-in as members talk about how they are doing. Club President Meredith Regains may call on a few but others chime in and we learn a lot about their lives during the pandemic. We have had remarkably interesting programs, have continued with our membership recruiting with the result of two new member inductions and two classification talks, and we have approved for membership a prospective member who has only attended these ZOOM meetings! He will be inducted in June. We have a robust list of prospective members.

One of our members is the medical director at the Shepherd Center, another is with the Red Cross; so, we have heard firsthand from the front line, and have had the benefit of their experience, guidance and encouragement. While we miss the time together, and look forward to its return, the silver lining for Midtown Atlanta has been improved attendance from those who had been chronically absent, more time talking and listening to everyone – not just those at your table – and a greater appreciation for what we’re all going through.

During this time, we also conducted a self-reflective survey in which 80% of our members participated. The results provided an effective mirror; we can see our strengths and weaknesses through the eyes of our members. An ad hoc committee will help up determine the wealth of ways in which we can do a better job of supporting and serving the Midtown Community and beyond.

By the way, Atlanta Midtown is proud that President Regains was recently featured as one of five Midtown Women who Influence the Community. Read more about Meredith and four other midtown influencers at https://citylifestyle.com/atlanta-ga/articles/life...

Posted by Rocky Ford
June 2, 2020


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