Global Scholar Update
March Madness: Update on Studies and Life in London During COVID-19

by Global Scholar Sean Minton

RI President Mark and Gay Maloney with Amy and Sean Minton

RI President Mark and Gay Maloney with Amy and Sean Minton

Sean and Amy are safe and well, and are still residing in their London flat. As of 24 March, the UK is operating on travel restrictions to protect from the spread of the Coronavirus. The government has closed schools, pubs, restaurants, cafes, gyms, and other businesses. The Prime Minister has advised that residents not leave their homes except for shopping for basic necessities or for one form of exercise a day.

The Mintons have received some questions about whether they will be returning to the US in the near future. Per guidance from the Secretary of Defense, and from Sean's chain of command, all military overseas, and now in the US as well, are under travel restriction until 11 May. Sean is assigned to London as his permanent duty station, which has not changed, and will continue his education in London until he receives orders to depart in September 2020.

King's College London has now gone fully online. Sean will continue to finish his Term 2 assignments, which received a deadline extension to 30 April. He will still complete his dissertation by 20 August. Students were granted the ability to write a 10,000 instead of a 15,000 word dissertation depending on their circumstances due to the Coronavirus. Before the library closed, Sean took advantage of his 20 book rental limit and checked out all the possible books he needed to complete his studies. Many of the additional books Sean needed were on the King's College library website. One of Sean's final exams has been adapted to a final essay and one was nixed altogether.

Sean and Amy were very busy with Rotary events during the first half of March. They started off the month by attending "Youth Makes Music" - a London Rotary sponsored event that showcases the musical talent of 11-18 year olds. The Mintons attended a lunch with the Rotary Club of London and got to meet a Rotaractor visiting from Birmingham, Alabama. They were invited to the home of a Rotarian couple, and enjoyed a dinner together with some of their neighbors who worked at the U.S. Embassy in London.

March was also an eventful month for the creation of the Rotaract Club of London. After meeting the required number of 15 members, they were able to proceed with submission of paperwork. The Club is pleased to announce an official charter date of 26 March!

A highlight of the month was when the Rotaract Club of London members were invited to attend a special reception for the Rotary International President, Mark Maloney, hosted by the Rotary Club of London. President Mark visited on the start of Rotaract Week and was excited to hear about the American, sponsored by one of the Rotary districts from his home state of Georgia, that helped his British host Rotary club start a Rotaract club.

Posted by Kathy Brandt
April 6, 2020


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