The Rotary Foundation at Work
Rotarians Generously Give Humanitarian Aid Worldwide

Family Health Days reach thousands

Family Health Days reach thousands

Community Health Volunteers in Kenya set up the mobile devices that support maternal and child health

Community Health Volunteers in Kenya set up the mobile devices that support maternal and child health

D6900 has 20 global grants currently in progress or approved with total budgets of $2,465,237.All Funding for these projects is provided by individual club financial contributions, supplemented by District 6900 and The Rotary Foundation’s World Fund.

District 6900 has, at this moment, 2 Global Grant Scholars plus 14 Clubs serving as International Humanitarian Global Grant Partners. Four of our Clubs are active in 2 or more Global Grants and another 10-20 Clubs are providing financial support to Global Grants originating with D6900 Clubs or clubs from other Rotary Districts.

We were recently called the most active participating District in The Rotary Foundation’s Global Grants program.While this title is continually changing, we honor and thank you for being among the most generous Rotarians in the world.

Here are details on exactly what you’re doing to make our world better - right now.

District 6900 Rotarians like to work on Disease Prevention activities best. You have seven Global Grant projects that actively serving six countries with projects worth $1,020,649.They include:

  • equipping two neonatal units in Latin America
  • creating gastric and cervical mobile cancer screenings/treatments in Bangladesh
  • installing C-Arm X-ray equipment in Haiti
  • providing nephrology and kidney dialysis units in India
  • joining Italian Rotarians offering respite care for Alzheimer’s patients with dementia while training and supporting the entire community.

Maternal and Child Health is your next favorite area of focus with four Global Grant projects operating in four countries with budgets of $638,953. Your projects include:

  • RFHD events in Ghana and India
  • Pediatric echocardiograph equipment and surgery in Columbia
  • Pre-Natal care for mothers plus well infant care for an entire province in Kenya.

Community Economic Development is the third area of focus with three GG projects in three different countries. The projects:

  • support and train non-violent prisoners in Colofmbia as they prepare to return to their families and the world outside,
  • create jobs and offering on-the-job training for the native population in Canada
  • in partnership with CARE USA, develop business opportunities and train refugee women and youth currently living in Jordan’s camps.

These projects have combined budgets of $304,740.

The Basic Education and Literacy area of focus also has three GG projects working in three countries. Their total budgets are slightly lower than those in Economic Development with $259,985.The projects include:

  • pre-school and kindergarten “Every Child Reads” and “Souns” programs in Puerto Rico and South Africa
  • re-equipping and installing computers in a technology center for an orphanage school in India.

District 6900 also has one very large Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project in India that drills numerous new wells and treats dangerous fluoride levels in the water in India with a budget of $180,910.

Our Global Grant Scholars are studying Peace & Conflict Prevention in Great Brittan and Disease Prevention in New Zealand. ($30,000 per scholarship).

Rotarians in D6900 dedicate their time, work and hearts, plus Club financial contributions to making this world a better place for thousands of people they will never see or know, just because it’s the right thing to do. Thanks again to every one of you.

Posted by Anne Glenn
November 5, 2019


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