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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

July 22, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/24 Billy Grogan, Dunwoody Police Chief ... Dunwoody Country Club
7/31 Mike Petchenik, WSBTV ... via Zoom
8/7 Dr. Mark Cohen, Chief Medical Officer, Piedmont Atlanta Hospital ... via Zoom

Our Rotary Family

7/18 Roy Wise
7/25 Frederick Bounds


7/3 Frederick Bounds (12)
7/5 Russell Reams, DBA, Jr. (6)
7/7 Brian Harper (12)
7/10 Lawrence Domenico (27)
7/11 William Thiele (24)
7/11 Bob Freeman (28)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30350 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Ardy Bastien
President-Elect Carter Stout
Immediate PP Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Josh Podczervinski
Secretary Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Membership Darrin Vanderpan

In This Bulletin ...

Read about this week's meeting, then scroll down to learn about:

  • Our Rookie and Rotarian of the Year awards for the 2019-20 Rotary year
  • An adjusted July dues billing that will be on its way to you soon and plans to meet via Zoom in August
  • How you can help us grow membership in 2020-21
  • Thirsty Thursday in August ... back outside at the East 48th Market.

This Week's Speaker
Dunwoody Police Chief Billy Grogan ... In-Person and Zoom Options to Attend

Billy Grogan became the first Chief of Police for the new City of Dunwoody in December 2008 after completing a 28-year career with the Marietta Police Department as a Deputy Chief. He joined the Rotary Club of Dunwoody six months later - in June 2009. His topic today: Police Officer Accountability. You can join us in-person at the Dunwoody Country Club or live via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86202979419

Billy has a Masters of Public Administration from Kennesaw State University and is a graduate of the 193rd Session of the FBI National Academy.

As a police professional, Chief Grogan is committed to the concept of community policing as a way to connect with the community in a meaningful way to combat crime and disorder while improving the quality of life for the visitors and citizens of Dunwoody. While serving for the Marietta Police Department, Chief Grogan co-developed the award winning Marietta Strategically Targeting Areas with Resources (M-STAR) community policing program. In 2008, Chief Grogan presented a senior leadership workshop on Community Policing to senior Egyptian police leaders in Cairo, Egypt. [more]

Erica Brown, Rookie of the Year

At our July 16 celebration of the 2019-20 Rotary Year, President Cathie presented Erica Brown with the Rookie of the Year award. Erica joined the club last July, and played an important role in the social media promotion of our event last fall to promote community awareness of the serious issues surrounding human trafficking. The event was quite successful - thanks in part to her great work. 

Rick Otness, Rotarian of the Year

Using phrases like "always ready to help or give a new idea a try" and "good listener ... great advisor," President Cathie recognized Past President Rick Otness as the club's 2019-20 Rotarian of the Year. Rick served last year as Cathie's Presidential Advisor, and is doing the same for President Ardy this year. Congratulations Rick!

Quarterly Dues Invoice for July Will Be Reissued to Reflect Adjustment for Missed Meeting Opportunities

When we issued dues invoices late last week, we didn't make an adjustment for meetings missed due to the pandemic. An adjustment is on the way.

We were optimistic that we could resume a "normal" meeting schedule and sent a "normal" invoice. Given the rise in coronavirus cases, we have made the decision to return to Zoom meetings only for August, so we are reissuing the July invoices to account for those three missed meeting opportunities as well as three in-person meetings we anticipated in May and June that didn't happen that way.

Much like your May invoice, where we provided a credit for six cancelled in-person meetings, the revised July invoice will do the same - with a $95 credit off of quarterly dues of $285. This credit will be applied to all non rule of 85 members to compensate them for the reduced meal costs in the second quarter. The net dues for the quarter will be $190. As you can see, we are in a time of uncertainty – and while we hope to resume in-person meetings in September (with a Zoom option), we will be carefully monitoring the pandemic situation and make decisions accordingly.

Should we need to continue on Zoom for longer than anticipated, we will calculate appropriate credits for future bills.

Thanks to those of you who have already paid your July dues. We will reflect this credit on your October dues, unless you prefer to receive a check refund now. If you do want a check, please send an email to our Treasurer, Josh Podczervinski, at jpodczervinski@capdir.com.

We apologize for any inconvenience and promise we will monitor this carefully going forward. We value each and every one of you and are committed to making your Rotary experience the best that we can.

Please let me know if I may answer any questions on this matter.



Membership Corner
Keep Dunwoody Rotary Growing

Membership Director Darrin Vanderpan wants to build on the great membership year we had last year. Here are three immediate ways you can help:

  1. Please help us welcome our newest members. Kristi LoVerde (on the left, sponsored by Charlie Augello), Jeff Hanson (on the right, sponsored by Fred Brandt) and Peyton Adkins-Graham (just to the left of Jeff, sponsored by Jackie Cuthbert) were sworn in at the July 10th meeting.
  2. If you know someone who “would be great in Rotary” but haven’t invited them to a meeting, bring them on Friday or forward them the Zoom link to see what the Dunwoody Police Chief has to say.
  3. The Membership Committee is still looking for volunteers to boost our membership. If you have a couple slivers of time to help out, please contact Darrin Vanderpan (DarrinVDP@gmail.com).

Save the Date
Thirsty Thursday Returns to East 48th Street Market on August 20

We are pleased to announce that we are returning to Charlie and Anita Augello's East 48th Street Market for an outdoor, face-to-face Thirsty Thursday celebration on August 20 beginning at 5:30 pm. As before, it's a "bring your own chair and wine glass" event - and you will have the opportunity to order food in advance and buy your beverage of choice from the Market. More details to follow closer to the event. 

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