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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 30, 2019


October is Economic and Community Development Month

11/1 Rodney Mims Cook, The National Monuments Foundation
11/8 PDG Cheryl Greenway, The Rotary Foundation
11/15 No meeting
11/22 Club Assembly

Our Rotary Family

10/7 Mike Parks
10/11 Larry Hart
10/12 Luis Cazares N.
10/13 Mike Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin


10/2 Ed Godshall (11)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (38)
10/12 Gary Lane (11)
10/25 Dottie Toney (5)
10/31 Bill Kelly, Jr. (32)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

This Week's Speaker
Rodney Mims Cook, National Monuments Foundation

Rodney Mims Cook, Jr. is the founder and president of the National Monuments Foundation, an organization that choreographed the design and construction of the Millennium Gate Museum in Atlanta. A graduate of Washington and Lee University, Cook is a scholar of the American Academy in Rome. At the age of 14, he initiated the campaign to successfully save the 5000+ seat Fox Theatre and in 1974 was a White House intern. In 1982, he established Rodney M. Cook Interests, a design/development company. In 1987, he established PolitesCook Architects which designed the Newington Cropsey Museum, NY, housing the largest American collection of Hudson River School paintings (Arthur Ross Award to founder). [more]

It's Oatmeal Friday!!!
Thanksgiving Baskets for Kingsley Elementary Families - How You Can Help

For the last few years, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has helped Anita Augello with a project to provide Thanksgiving "baskets" for 75 families at Kingsley Elementary in Dunwoody. This year, we have a District Grant from the Rotary Foundation to buy turkeys for the baskets. In addition, we are asking your help to add two items to those baskets - oatmeal and peanut butter. The community will add other items and the students at Kingsley join in this service opportunity by packing the boxes.

This coming Friday, November 1, it would be great if every member would bring either:

  • Two round tan boxes of oatmeal (this is the most nourishing and the most sustainable item because it can be made with water, in lack of milk, and it fills a hungry stomach) and/or
  • A large jar of creamy peanut butter.

More Opportunitites to Connect with the Community
Now is the Time to Cast Your K9 Votes and Start Shopping for Toys for Tots!

Start Shopping for Toys for Tots

As Jim Glass reminded us last Friday, the RCD Holiday luncheon and our annual drive for Toys for Tots is fast approaching - mark your calendars for December 13 and start shopping now

Cast Your K9 Votes

The Dunwoody Police Department is looking for help from the community to secure its chance for grant money toward a new K9 unit. $16,500 in grants will be awarded to law enforcement agencies, and only the seven top vote-getting agencies in the U.S. will receive the grant. Grant winners will be determined by popular vote, so vote and share on your social media outlets! Read more to see how to vote ,,,


Thanks for Your Service
Human Trafficking Symposium a Success!

Last Wednesday, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody partnered with the Dunwoody Police and Street Grace to hold a symposium on Human Trafficking at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia. The symposium was attended by 111 people.

The Symposium was moderated by Rotarian Jack Francisco and included a viewing of the movie 8 Days (a true story of one 16-year old girl's life in trafficking) followed by an informative panel discussion by three experts in Human Trafficking, who also answered questions from the attendees. The message was clear with the audience realizin [more]

Scholarship Opportunity
Do You Have a Son or Daughter Who Would Like to Study in Oslo Next Summer?

Each year, Rotarians in Norway offer a summer scholarship opportunity for three college age students from Georgia - to thank us for what we do by offering GRSP scholarships to their college students. The deadline for applications is December 31, 2019. Click on the flier for more details.

Thanks for Your Service
Rotarians and GSU Students Host Special Olympic Athletes

Last Friday, Dunwoody Rotarians partnered with college students from Georgia State University Perimeter Campus to help Sequoyah Middle School host Basketball Skills Day for more than 150 DeKalb County Special Needs students. The partnership turned out to be a “Big Win” for all who participated.

Rotarian volunteers Rick Otness, Ray Huebschmann, Bob O’Brien, Darrin Vanderpan, Fred Brandt, Ed Holliday, Erica Brown and Kathy Brandt served as team leaders, focused on overseeing the Special Olympics Basketball competition taking place at each of six basketball goals in the Sequoyah gym. With the added fire power of GSU student volunteers, the volunteer teams officiated at the basketball competition for students representing 10 middle schools. Thanks to the efforts of Rotarian Ray Huebschmann, a GSU Psychology professor, the college student turnout was truly amazing, with 29 enthusiastic GSU students participating.

The entire competition turned out to be a BIG WIN for one and all. The day began with a Sequoyah student leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and another student leading the athletes in Special Olympics Athletes Oath. The middle school students experienced a fun-filled and challenging competition, as the team scores ebbed and flowed, with winning teams being awarded Red, Blue and Yellow ribbons and many cheers.

All volunteers were winners, having had the opportunity to create an excellent and fair competitive environment that helped players and teams to strive for, accomplish and, in some cases, exceed their wildest expectations.

Thank you, volunteers, for making the day a winning one for all!

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