Distributions and Disbursements Bylaws

ArticleDistributions and Disbursements

The Board of Directors, or such committee of directors as the Board of Directors may designate, not less frequently than annually, shall (a) determine all distributions to be made from net income and principal of the corporation (including funds held by trustees, custodians, or agents of the corporation) pursuant to provisions of the articles of incorporation, these bylaws, and the donors' directions if and to the extent applicable as provided herein; (b) make, or authorize and direct the respective trustees, custodians, or agents having custody of funds of the corporation to make, payments to organizations or persons to whom payments are to be made, in such amounts and at such times and with such accompanying restrictions, if any, as it deems necessary to assure use for the charitable purposes and in the manner intended; and (c) determine all disbursements to be made for administrative expenses incurred by the corporation and direct the respective trustees, custodians, or agents having custody of funds of the corporation as to payments thereof and funds to be charged.

UserLynn Clarke
Revision DateDec 23, 2019

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