Committees of Directors Bylaws

ArticleCommittees of Directors

Committees, not having and exercising the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the corporation, may be designated by a resolution adopted by a majority of directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. Except as otherwise provided in such resolution or in these bylaws, the chair of each such committee shall be appointed by the chair of the corporation and the members of such committee shall be appointed by the chair of the committee. Any member of any committee may be removed by the person or persons authorized to appoint such member whenever in their judgment the best interests of the corporation shall be served by such removal. The Board of Directors may discontinue any such committee at its pleasure. It shall be the function and purpose of each such committee to advise the Board of Directors on matters relating to the business and affairs of the corporation; and each such committee shall have such powers and perform such specific duties or functions, not inconsistent with the articles of incorporation of the corporation or these bylaws, as may be prescribed for it by the Board of Directors. Appointments to and the filling of vacancies on any such other committees shall be made by the chair of the committee, unless the Board of Directors otherwise provides. Any action by each such committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors at its meeting next succeeding such action and shall be subject to control, revision, and alteration by the Board of Directors, provided that no rights of third persons shall be prejudicially affected thereby.

UserLynn Clarke
Revision DateDec 23, 2019

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