The District Office Bylaws

ArticleDistrict Office

The day to day activities of the Executive Office Manager shall be under the direct supervision of the governor. To assure continuity, responsibility for decisions regarding staffing, salaries, location, administration, major purchases and general continuing oversight shall be vested in the District Planning and Advisory Committee.

All per capita dues and other remittances shall be remitted to the District Treasurer where they shall be recorded and deposited appropriately. Copies of contracts, purchase orders and invoices shall be maintained electronically.

The District Governor will provide the Executive Office Manager with an updated job description prior to the start of the Rotary year that may include but is not limited to the following tasks:

  • Update Rotary Club Central with notes from official club visits
  • Schedule, setup and invite district committee meetings including meeting agendas:
    • Monthly – G-line, AG Check-In, Conference
    • Quarterly - Planning & Advisory, Finance, Membership, Public Image, Foundation
    • Annual – Resolutions, Nominations
  • Take and file committee meeting minutes electronically including recordings of online meetings
  • Maintain an electronic filing system for record keeping
  • Complete administrative tasks like making copies, mailing, creating labels, building presentations as required by the DG or other district officers
  • Order name badges, awards, banners and give aways as needed for events
  • Assist the District Treasurer in handling check requests and managing expenses
NoteApproved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023
UserAlec Smythe
Revision DateJun 27, 2023

Change History

Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
IDChanged ByRev DateHeadBodyChangesNote 
80Gordon OwensJun 27, 2023The District Office

The day to day activities of the Executive Office Manager shall be under the direct supervision of the governor. To assure continuity, responsibility for decisions regarding staffing, salaries, location, administration, major purchases and general continuing oversight shall be vested in the District Planning and Advisory Committee.

All per capita dues and other remittances shall be remitted to the District Treasurer where they shall be recorded and deposited appropriately. Copies of contracts, purchase orders and invoices shall be maintained electronically.

The District Governor will provide the Executive Office Manager with an updated job description prior to the start of the Rotary year that may include but is not limited to the following tasks:

  • Update Rotary Club Central with notes from official club visits
  • Schedule, setup and invite district committee meetings including meeting agendas:
    • Monthly – G-line, AG Check-In, Conference
    • Quarterly - Planning & Advisory, Finance, Membership, Public Image, Foundation
    • Annual – Resolutions, Nominations
  • Take and file committee meeting minutes electronically including recordings of online meetings
  • Maintain an electronic filing system for record keeping
  • Complete administrative tasks like making copies, mailing, creating labels, building presentations as required by the DG or other district officers
  • Order name badges, awards, banners and give aways as needed for events
  • Assist the District Treasurer in handling check requests and managing expenses
Approved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023