Budget Bylaws

ArticleFinancial Management

Operation of a District Fund: (see latest RI MOP), “Cooperating with the Governor Elect, the district finance committee shall prepare a budget which shall be submitted to the clubs at least four weeks prior to the district assembly and approved by the incoming club presidents at the district assembly”.

Practice and practicality suggest that actually the primary responsibility for preparation of the district operating budget falls in the purview of the Governor Elect, with the assistance and approval of the finance committee; then is submitted to the incoming club presidents as required.

It should be the district’s goal to maintain a cash/cash equivalent reserve fund equal to 75% of the district operating expense budget and any surplus in the fund be evaluated at the end of the fiscal year by the finance committee.

Expenses of District Officers and Committee Chairs:

  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses related to their positions if budget allows.
  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the RI International Convention if the budget allows.
  • The DG, DGE, and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the zone institute, including GETS and GNTS.
  • The DG, DGE (including children and other family members), and the aide to the RI President’s Representative at the District Conference (usually the immediate past district governor) will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the district conference.
  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses for planning their respective district conferences, to plan and attend AG training, PETS and the District Assembly.
  • Members of the district leadership team responsible for organizing the district conference may be reimbursed for attending the district conference as the conference expense budget allows.
  • Active Past District Governors may be reimbursed for registration fees in total or in part, for attending district & zone events if the current district budget allows for those expenses with prior authorization from the District Governor.
  • AG’s will receive an annual sum for expenses (no accounting required).
  • Where applicable, in any of the above, spouse registration and expenses will be paid.
  • The inbound GSE/VTT conference registration and hotel expenses shall be paid out of the operating budget.
  • The district awards should also be paid out of the operating budget.

Documentation of expenses per IRS requirements is required before reimbursement.

It is expected that in the course of budget preparation, parties whose expenses or expenditures are to be provided for in the budget, (governor- elect, governor-nominee, RI Foundation Chair, GSE/VTT Chair, et al will be consulted and advised of the amount of expenditure provided for. Should it develop that category item expenses greater than 10% above what is budgeted are needed, advance approval by the governor with concurrence of the finance committee is required. If, at any time, an overall deficit is projected (revenues minus expenses), the district governor must go to the finance committee with a revised balanced budget for approval.

The governor’s allowance provided by RI shall be taken into the district operating budget as income and deposited into the district operating account when received from RI. Then all reimbursable expenses of the governor shall be paid to the governor by the district. Expenses that RI permits within the allowance will be accounted for by the treasurer, who will prepare the interim and the final reports required by RI for the governor.

When the District is paying for attendance at an event for a Rotarian, the Rotarian is expected to attend and participate. If the Rotarian does not attend and participate, he or she shall reimburse the District for funds received.

Assumptions used in preparation of the district fund budget and the district conference budget will be included with the proposed budgets and forwarded with them to the approving authority, which shall be the Finance Committee.

NoteApproved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023
Revision DateJun 27, 2023

Change History

Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
IDChanged ByRev DateHeadBodyChangesNote 
74Gordon OwensJun 27, 2023Budget

Operation of a District Fund: (see latest RI MOP), “Cooperating with the Governor Elect, the district finance committee shall prepare a budget which shall be submitted to the clubs at least four weeks prior to the district assembly and approved by the incoming club presidents at the district assembly”.

Practice and practicality suggest that actually the primary responsibility for preparation of the district operating budget falls in the purview of the Governor Elect, with the assistance and approval of the finance committee; then is submitted to the incoming club presidents as required.

It should be the district’s goal to maintain a cash/cash equivalent reserve fund equal to 75% of the district operating expense budget and any surplus in the fund be evaluated at the end of the fiscal year by the finance committee.

Expenses of District Officers and Committee Chairs:

  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses related to their positions if budget allows.
  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the RI International Convention if the budget allows.
  • The DG, DGE, and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the zone institute, including GETS and GNTS.
  • The DG, DGE (including children and other family members), and the aide to the RI President’s Representative at the District Conference (usually the immediate past district governor) will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses to attend the district conference.
  • The DG, DGE and DGN will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses for planning their respective district conferences, to plan and attend AG training, PETS and the District Assembly.
  • Members of the district leadership team responsible for organizing the district conference may be reimbursed for attending the district conference as the conference expense budget allows.
  • Active Past District Governors may be reimbursed for registration fees in total or in part, for attending district & zone events if the current district budget allows for those expenses with prior authorization from the District Governor.
  • AG’s will receive an annual sum for expenses (no accounting required).
  • Where applicable, in any of the above, spouse registration and expenses will be paid.
  • The inbound GSE/VTT conference registration and hotel expenses shall be paid out of the operating budget.
  • The district awards should also be paid out of the operating budget.

Documentation of expenses per IRS requirements is required before reimbursement.

It is expected that in the course of budget preparation, parties whose expenses or expenditures are to be provided for in the budget, (governor- elect, governor-nominee, RI Foundation Chair, GSE/VTT Chair, et al will be consulted and advised of the amount of expenditure provided for. Should it develop that category item expenses greater than 10% above what is budgeted are needed, advance approval by the governor with concurrence of the finance committee is required. If, at any time, an overall deficit is projected (revenues minus expenses), the district governor must go to the finance committee with a revised balanced budget for approval.

The governor’s allowance provided by RI shall be taken into the district operating budget as income and deposited into the district operating account when received from RI. Then all reimbursable expenses of the governor shall be paid to the governor by the district. Expenses that RI permits within the allowance will be accounted for by the treasurer, who will prepare the interim and the final reports required by RI for the governor.

When the District is paying for attendance at an event for a Rotarian, the Rotarian is expected to attend and participate. If the Rotarian does not attend and participate, he or she shall reimburse the District for funds received.

Assumptions used in preparation of the district fund budget and the district conference budget will be included with the proposed budgets and forwarded with them to the approving authority, which shall be the Finance Committee.

Approved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023