Planning & Advisory Committee Bylaws


A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the Executive Office Manager as an ex-officio non-voting member. Appointments are by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the one PDG appointed by the sitting governor. All appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the DistrictExecutive SecretaryOffice and District AdministratorManager as an ex-officio non-voting membersmember. No appointedAppointments memberare by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the committeeone shallPDG serveappointed moreby thanthe twositting consecutivegovernor. termsAll appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next  most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor.
NoteApproved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023
Revision DateJun 27, 2023

Change History

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
IDChanged ByRev DateHeadBodyChangesNote 
70Gordon OwensJun 27, 2023Planning & Advisory Committee

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the Executive Office Manager as an ex-officio non-voting member. Appointments are by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the one PDG appointed by the sitting governor. All appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the DistrictExecutive SecretaryOffice and District AdministratorManager as an ex-officio non-voting membersmember. No appointedAppointments memberare by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the committeeone shallPDG serveappointed moreby thanthe twositting consecutivegovernor. termsAll appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next  most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor.
Approved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023
71Gordon OwensJun 27, 2023Planning & Advisory Committee

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the Executive Office Manager as an ex-officio non-voting member. Appointments are by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the one PDG appointed by the sitting governor. All appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the DistrictExecutive SecretaryOffice and District AdministratorManager as an ex-officio non-voting membersmember. No appointedAppointments memberare by title/role in the district during the current Rotary year with exception of the committeeone shallPDG serveappointed moreby thanthe twositting consecutivegovernor. termsAll appointments expire at the end of each Rotary year:

  1. The Chair shall be the District Governor
  2. The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  3. The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  4. The next  most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  5. The District Governor Nominee
  6. The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  7. The District Treasurer
  8. The District Conference Chair
  9. The District Membership Director
  10. The District Public Image Director
  11. One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor.
Approved by the clubs by electronic ballet 6/19/2023
43Alec SmytheJun 26, 2020Planning & Advisory Committee

A District Planning and Advisory Committee shall exist to assist the District Governor and future district leadership to more effectively plan and consistently lead the district. The committee will meet as a minimum, semiannually. The governor will determine the date, time and location of the meeting. The following will be compiled reviewed, evaluated, documented, maintained and published by the committee:

  • Resolutions
  • Customs and Traditions
  • District Strategic Planning Findings
  • Reports and Recommendation from other District committees

The committee will consist of the following eleven members with the District Secretary and District Administrator as ex-officio non-voting members. No appointed member of the committee shall serve more than two consecutive terms:

  • The Chair shall be the District Governor
  • The Vice Chair shall be the District Governor Elect
  • The most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  • The next most immediate service Past District Governor active in a District 6900 Rotary Club
  • The District Governor Nominee
  • The District Rotary Foundation Chair
  • The District Treasurer
  • The District Conference Chair
  • The District Membership Director
  • The District Public Image Director
  • One PDG active in a D6900 Rotary Club appointed by the District Governor.
Changed chair and vice chair; approved by the clubs by electronic ballot 6/23/2020